

It’s nearly been a year since the first lockdown was implemented in the Philippines. This has led many companies in the country to resort to work from home arrangements to be able to continue with their operations amidst the changes brought about by the pandemic. 

While it may be a dream for many because it gives off the stress of having traffic and long commutes to work, this set up comes with its own set of challenges for everyone. 

Traditionally, the home is for family, rest, and relaxation. During these times, however, it also turned into a work space, meeting room, and a breakdown corner. It is, therefore, important to learn how you can effectively motivate yourself and maximize your time to be as efficient and productive as you would in an office setting. 

Whether you are a newbie or work from home veteran, here are some tips to stay productive during your remote working hours.

Create a regular schedule

While it is tempting to give yourself total flexibility on your working hours, having a consistent schedule can help you be more productive at work. It is very useful to know when you’ll start with your tasks and when you’ll call it a day. This way, you also hold yourself accountable for yourself and your boss, and it would be easier to get in touch with your team should there be needed updates or tasks to be done. 

Setting a schedule also allows you to be able to accomplish things you need to do outside work. Through a regular schedule which your company is informed about, you could set boundaries and expectations that although you’re working remotely, you’re not free all the time. 

Have your own at-home office

At some point, you might have considered working on the couch, your bed, or an easy-chair. However, these spaces can have an impact on your productivity because your brain associates these as places for sleep and relaxation.

To help you boost productivity while at home, try to work from a consistent space with a desk and chair conducive for work. This helps you tell your brain that it is already time for work, and not resting.

Interact and collaborate

Work from home arrangements can put you with a feeling of isolation. While it may seem as a solo experience, this setup can be just like the traditional office setup through collaboration and interaction. 

Online interaction through video calls, regular manager check-ins, and regular meetings can increase collaboration and productivity among team members so make sure to maximize video conferencing during these times. This is also a way to keep team members’ spirits up during these trying times. 

The bottomline

While a work from home setup is beneficial for most, it is still important for all of us to learn some tips and tricks to keep ourselves productive at home. It may be a big adjustment for some, but with some routine changes and trial and error when it comes to hyping yourself up, we can all be veterans in this work from home arrangement. 



Lotz, A. (2020). How to Work From Home: 10 Tips to Stay Productive. Retrieved from https://www.lifehack.org/articles/productivity/10-tips-help-you-more-efficient-working-from-home.html

Lufkin, B. (2020). Coronavirus: How to work from home, the right way. Retrieved from https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20200312-coronavirus-covid-19-update-work-from-home-in-a-pandemicMok, K., & Manga, G. (2020). Working from home? 4 tips for staying productive. Retrieved from https://www.thinkwithgoogle.com/intl/en-apac/future-of-marketing/creativity/work-from-home-tips/

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