

Photo courtesy of Lamudi

Given the continuous environmental degradation and rising costs of living, having a green home is a sound choice and a great investment. 

Green homes utilize environmentally friendly techniques to create long-term benefits for homeowners. Additionally, it is your contribution to at least slow down climate change and have resources preserved for the next generations

What are the benefits of a green home?

They reduce costs

Utility bills nowadays are a headache. To help you lower them, you can make use of solar panels to power up your homes. About 30% of your electricity bill can be saved, especially during summer when bills usually spike up. 

They reduce the emission of harmful gases

As we know it, greenhouse gases are the primary drivers of global warming. Through the use of renewable energy sources at home, you can positively contribute to the environment, reducing emissions from your home and helping rebuild the ozone layer.

They are durable

Aside from the financial benefit of cutting costs on your utilities, going green also lasts for a long time. Your solar panels, if well-maintained, can last up to 40 years. 

They earn money

Obviously, since you are using renewable means, you won’t be eating up much energy from the grid. Under the net metering policy, the solar energy you don’t consume goes to the distribution facility’s system, where they will give you peso credits in exchange for the electricity they received. 

They increase property value

Reduction of utility costs translates to higher market value. So, installing solar panels or rainwater harvesting systems that could drive utility expenses down can increase the value of your home. 

Going green will indeed pay back. With these perks of green homes, would you make a shift now?




Green Homes: Future-Proof Investments That Pay Back. (2021). In Lamudi. Retrieved from https://www.lamudi.com.ph/journal/green-homes-future-proof-investments/ 

The Benefits of Green Homes. (2022). Retrieved from http://rndconstruction.ca/green-building-ottawa/benefits-green-homes/

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